Aggressive Prayers for the Heart Against Occultic Attacks

Welcome to Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc's page on Aggressive Prayers for the Heart Against Occultic Attacks. In this section, we provide powerful warfare prayers to break demonic altars, covens, and secret cult attacks targeting the heart.

Description: Warfare Against Altar, Coven, and Secret Cult Attacks on the Heart

This powerful warfare prayer is designed to break demonic altars, covens, and secret cult attacks targeting the heart—both physically and spiritually. The enemy often manipulates a person’s health and emotions through evil sacrifices, blood covenants, and dark rituals. These attacks can manifest as sudden heart pains, fear, anxiety, heart disease, or unexplained spiritual oppression.

Through fire-filled declarations and prophetic warfare, this prayer dismantles satanic gatherings, reverses curses, and neutralizes spiritual arrows shot at the heart. It calls upon the Blood of Jesus, the Fire of the Holy Ghost, and angelic intervention to scatter the works of darkness.

If you are experiencing heart-related afflictions that doctors cannot explain, strange attacks in dreams, or spiritual heaviness, this prayer will serve as a divine weapon of deliverance and healing. Every evil altar raised against you will be consumed by fire!

🔥 Pray with faith, and watch God arise on your behalf! 🔥

Warfare Against Altar, Coven, and Secret Cult Attacks on the Heart

This powerful warfare prayer is designed to break demonic altars, covens, and secret cult attacks targeting the heart. Our prayers are aimed at dismantling any spiritual attacks on your heart and ensuring that you are protected from evil influences.

I set fireworks of God to destroy every ritual and ceremonial magic that been done against your life, I don’t care if it was done before you were born, I ASKED FATHER THAT YOU WILL CONSALEDATE ALL CURSES , ALTARS, Covens long as it is affecting my heart, life and that of my family and that of my children then I break it now in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, every fire, blood sacrifices, blood oats, blood dept, blood poisoning,  Mantra, the peak of Maine magic,  kitchen , magic, tree magic, black and white magic, that’s opened up a dimension against my life and seventy eight organs of my body, then in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost Fire that is greater than every fire begin to quench every fire Mantra and every flame charm combustion that’s opened against  my organs in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I shut down their radius with the Ring of the Holy Ghost fire. In Jesus name, every Ring of Fire Magic, Red Magic and every Combustion Magic, cannibalism magi, that been released against us, I extinguish it with the flying roll  of the Lord and I wipe it back to the dimension of the inferno realm and wherever it came from in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I use the blast of the Almighty to send back every evil wave, wind, smoke that came with the fire, I send it back to where it came from in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, every Power from the Oceanic Dimension, whichever  ocean or water body it is, any power from the oceanic Dimension, Ghoul realm and Sirenic realm that is affecting our lives now and that is working against our Ministries, let the blood of Jesus, the Sword of the spirit and the Angels of warfare begin to Smite Mami Water, Zeus, Queen of the Coast in charge of our family, Ashtoreth, Emere, Ogbanje, Sango, Ogun, all of those Sirens, all of those Divas, all of those great ladies of the sea, all those Tritons, all of them and their works, let them be Smitten by the rod of God and be destroyed by the fireworks and by the destructive wind of the Lord, I silence them in Jesus name. Every water that is moving against our lives or every Moon magic, Sun magic or every planetary alignment that is not aligning in accordance to God’s will in our lives then I dismantle it from the Power Source in Jesus name.

Every generator system that is giving Santa, any other Christmas and Easter Spirit, any other Evil creatures, the demons the unclean spirits on earth power to rule over our lives then I shut it down in the second heaven and wherever else they put those generators in Jesus name. Let the Fire of the Almighty God and let the Angels of God be released into those Heavenly Realms to begin to dismantle and to torch those generator systems until they are completely dismantled along with their satellites in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I begin to soak Satan’s Mainframe computer in the blood of Jesus, the computer that he needs to plug in to support all his other devices, I shut it down, I destroy it and dismantle, obliterate it from existence in Jesus name. I smash you with the bulldozer of the Lord in Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus, everything in our homes that was made in the Indian Ocean, that was made somewhere else that is serving as a portal, I don’t care if it’s food, if it’s cloth, whatever it is and allowing them entrance into our lives, let the Holy Spirit right now begin to show us what it is and close and remove that portal in Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus, everywhere that we or our family members have been dedicated to any satanic agent that is now giving them free reign to pull our spirit men out of our body on Journeys that are NOT for the Lord, in the name of Jesus, I break such covenants by the blood of Jesus, I remove our names and our family members’ names from the contract document, I eradicate it in Jesus name.


I appear before the court of Heaven, the Supreme Court of God, and His tribunals and I shut down those contracts and I begin to decree and declare that the Lord Almighty is our God, you said Remember the Lord Our God in our youth for he gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his Covenant which he swore to our forefather Abraham (Deuteronomy 8:18) so therefore the Lord Almighty is our support, is our help, is our stronghold so any power that wants to become a stronghold in our lives then that they are replacing the hand of God in our lives, let them be smashed by the hand of the Lord in Jesus name and as we are the seed of women, we will smash every snake and every Scorpion and every power that is in our lives, we smash their head because the Bible said that the seed of of of a woman bruised the head of the serpent which we know that is Jesus so therefore as the seed of the woman, we will bruise every serpent, every scorpion every demonic caterpillar, every cat, every dog spirit, every spirit of the rat and their loss, every spider and their web, no matter how carefully woven they are, I dismantle all their systems and their spider web and I shut them down by the power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I pull down the upside down Dimension by the blood of Jesus, I destroy the Mother Gate as well in Jesus name. I also set fire on every laboratory system that is warehousing portals to be pulling our spirit men into those portals and to be sending us on evil assignment, I shut it down from the astral plane from every Physical Realm that it is, I shut it down by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. I release the Angels of God into every satanic laboratory system both in heaven and in Earth or wherever, whichever plane it is to go and destroy all of their equipment and burn it to ashes in the name of Jesus. Let the hot coal of the Lord Almighty and let the sling of God attack every Armory that they’ve set up in those labs that is working against our lives in Jesus' name.

prayer points against jealousy, inspired by biblical principles and teachings. You can pray these in Yeshua’s HaMashiach name for spiritual growth and healing:

1. **Deliverance from Jealousy**: Lord, deliver me from the grip of jealousy and envy in my heart.

2. **Healing from Comparison**: I pray for healing from the spirit of comparison. Help me see my worth in You.

3. **Restore Joy**: Father, restore my joy and peace, so I may rejoice with others instead of being envious.

4. **Focus on Your Blessings**: Help me to focus on my blessings and celebrate others' successes, instead of feeling jealous.

5. **Guard My Heart**: Lord, guard my heart against jealousy and help me foster love and kindness.

6. **Break Negative Thoughts**: I command every negative thought of jealousy to be broken in Yeshua’s name.

7. **Pray for Others**: I pray for those I feel jealousy towards, that they may prosper and be blessed abundantly.

8. **Remove Root of Bitterness**: Lord, remove any root of bitterness that jealousy has caused in my life.

9. **Increase My Gratitude**: Help me to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for what I have.

10. **Fill Me with Your Love**: Fill my heart with Your love, so I can love others genuinely.

11. **Transform My Mind**: Lord, transform my mind to think positively about others rather than with jealousy.

12. **Pronounce Freedom**: I proclaim freedom from the chains of jealousy in my life today.

13. **Spirit of Unity**: Bring a spirit of unity among my relationships. Help us support one another.

14. **Renew My Spirit**: Renew my spirit, Lord, to be one of encouragement rather than envy.

15. **Overcome Competition**: I pray to overcome any competitive spirit I may have with others.

16. **Seek Your Kingdom First**: Help me to seek Your kingdom first and not get distracted by worldly desires.

17. **Trust in Your Timing**: Teach me to trust in Your timing for my life and the lives of others.

18. **Avoid Gossip**: Lord, keep me away from gossip that stirs jealousy among friends and family.

19. **Empower My Relationships**: Empower my relationships to be built on mutual respect and love, not jealousy.

20. **Confess and Repent**: I confess my jealousy and repent for allowing it to take root in my heart.

21. **Strength to Adore Others**: Give me strength to admire and adore the gifts of others without envy.

22. **Understanding and Growth**: Help me understand the reasons behind my jealousy and grow from this realization.

23. **Armor of God**: Clothe me in Your armor to protect me from the spirit of jealousy.

24. **Letting Go**: Teach me the art of letting go of resentments fueled by jealousy.

25. **Spirit of Contentment**: Fill my heart with the spirit of contentment in all my circumstances.

26. **Crisis of Identity**: I pray against any crisis of identity that jealousy might evoke in me.

27. **Joy in Others' Success**: Help me to genuinely rejoice in the successes of others.

28. **Prayer for Forgiveness**: I ask for forgiveness for any jealousy I have sown among friends or family.

29. **Understanding Your Plan**: Help me to understand that You have a unique plan for everyone, including me.

30. **Desire for Growth**: I pray for a desire for personal growth rather than focusing on others’ journeys.

31. **Celebrate Diversity**: Help me celebrate our differences and the unique paths we each walk.

32. **Wisdom**: Grant me wisdom to navigate feelings of jealousy with grace and understanding.

33. **Empathy**: Create in me a heart of empathy that understands others' challenges and triumphs.

34. **Community Building**: Help me build a community grounded in support rather than competition.

35. **Rejection of Lies**: I reject any lies that lead me to believe I am inferior to others.

36. **Prayer for Accountability**: Lord, place positive influences in my life that hold me accountable for my emotions.

37. **Empower My Purpose**: Empower me to focus on the purpose You have for my life.

38. **Release Control**: Teach me to release control over outcomes in my life and trust in You.

39. **Gratitude List**: Guide me to keep a gratitude list that focuses my heart on blessing instead of envy.

40. **End with Praise**: I end this prayer with praise, thanking You for the victories over jealousy in my life.


Warfare Declarations

Declare with us: I command every demonic implant, monitoring device, or spiritual tracker on my heart to be destroyed by the thunder of God! Every evil handshake, food, or dream encounter used for occultic attacks on my heart is nullified by the power of prayer and the blood of Jesus.

Protection and Deliverance

At Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc, we offer a safe space for individuals seeking protection and deliverance from occultic attacks. Through our prophetic worship sessions, deliverance services, and spiritual warfare training, we equip you with the tools to combat any form of spiritual warfare.

Ready to protect your heart from occultic attacks?

Contact us today for powerful prophetic worship sessions, deliverance services, and spiritual warfare training.